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Enjoy Android on PC with BlueStacks 4 - Offline Installer for Windows and Mac


Download Bluestacks 4 Offline Installer: How to Play Android Games on PC


Bluestacks is one of the most popular and powerful Android emulators that allows you to run mobile games and apps on your PC. Whether you want to enjoy a bigger screen, better performance, or keyboard and mouse controls, Bluestacks can enhance your gaming experience. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bluestacks 4 offline installer, the latest version of this emulator, on your Windows or Mac computer.

What is Bluestacks 4?

Bluestacks 4 is the newest version of Bluestacks that was released in 2022. It has many improvements and features over the previous versions, such as:

download bluestacks 4 offline installer

  • Faster and smoother gameplay with up to 6 times better performance than a flagship smartphone.

  • Support for multiple instances, allowing you to play multiple games or apps at the same time.

  • A redesigned user interface with a sleek and modern look.

  • A dedicated game center with over 1.5 million games and recommendations.

  • A keymapping tool that lets you customize your keyboard and mouse controls for any game.

  • A shooting mode that improves your aim and accuracy in FPS games.

  • A macro recorder that lets you automate tasks and actions in games.

  • A BlueStacks World that lets you explore new games, events, and rewards.

Why Download Bluestacks 4 Offline Installer?

Bluestacks 4 offline installer is a standalone file that contains all the necessary components to install Bluestacks 4 on your PC without an internet connection. This is useful if you have a slow or unstable internet connection, or if you want to install Bluestacks 4 on multiple computers without downloading it every time. Here are some benefits of downloading Bluestacks 4 offline installer:

  • You can save time and bandwidth by downloading it once and installing it on any PC.

  • You can avoid any errors or interruptions that may occur during online installation.

  • You can install Bluestacks 4 on any PC without an internet connection.

  • You can keep a backup copy of Bluestacks 4 in case you need to reinstall it in the future.

How to Download Bluestacks 4 Offline Installer?

To download Bluestacks 4 offline installer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to [1]( and click on "Download BlueStacks" to get the latest version of the app player.

  • Launch the installer once it's done downloading. Wait until the process finishes, after which Bluestacks will launch automatically.

  • Click on the gear icon on the side toolbar for Settings. Then click on "About" on the Settings window.

  • Click on "Download offline installer" at the bottom of the window. Choose a location to save the file and click on "Save".

  • The offline installer file will be downloaded to your PC. It will have a name like "BlueStacks-Installer_BS5_native.exe".

How to Install Bluestacks 4 Offline Installer?

To install Bluestacks 4 offline installer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Locate the offline installer file that you downloaded and double-click on it to run it.

  • You will be prompted to confirm the parameters of the installation and change the install directory if you want. Make sure to select a drive with enough space for Bluestacks 4 and its games and apps.

  • Click on "Install now" to start the installation process. It may take a few minutes depending on your PC's specifications.

  • Once the installation is complete, Bluestacks 4 will launch automatically. You can now sign in with your Google account or add it later to access games and apps from Google Play Store.

How to Play Android Games on PC with Bluestacks 4?

To play Android games on To play Android games on PC with Bluestacks 4, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open Bluestacks 4 and click on the "Game Center" tab on the home screen. You will see a list of featured and popular games that you can download and play.

  • If you want to search for a specific game, you can use the search bar on the top right corner. You can also browse games by categories, genres, or collections.

  • Once you find a game that you want to play, click on it and then click on "Install". The game will be downloaded and installed on your Bluestacks 4.

  • After the installation is complete, you can click on "Open" to launch the game. You can also find the game icon on your home screen or in the "My Games" tab.

  • You can now enjoy playing the game on your PC with Bluestacks 4. You can use the default keyboard and mouse controls or customize them according to your preference. You can also use a gamepad or a controller if you have one connected to your PC.

Comparison Table: Bluestacks 4 vs Other Android Emulators

Bluestacks 4 is not the only Android emulator available for PC, but it is one of the best ones in terms of performance, features, and compatibility. Here is a comparison table that shows how Bluestacks 4 stacks up against some of the other popular Android emulators:





Bluestacks 4


Multiple instances, keymapping, shooting mode, macro recorder, BlueStacks World, etc.

Supports Windows 7/8/10 and Mac OS X 10.12 or higher. Supports over 1.5 million games and apps.



Multiple instances, keymapping, macro recorder, root access, etc.

Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 and Mac OS X 10.9 or higher. Supports over 1 million games and apps.

MEmu Play


Multiple instances, keymapping, macro recorder, root access, etc.

Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Supports over 1 million games and apps.



Keymapping, macro recorder, root access, etc.

Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Supports over 1 million games and apps.



Keymapping, shooting mode, etc.

Supports Windows 7/8/10. Supports mainly PUBG Mobile and some other Tencent games.


In conclusion, Bluestacks 4 is a great way to play Android games on PC with ease and convenience. It offers high performance, rich features, and wide compatibility that make it stand out from other Android emulators. If you want to download and install Bluestacks 4 offline installer on your PC, you can follow the steps we have provided in this article. We hope you have fun playing your favorite mobile games on your PC with Bluestacks 4!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Bluestacks 4 safe to use?

Yes, Bluestacks 4 is safe to use as it does not contain any malware or viruses. It is also verified by McAfee and Norton Security. However, you should always download Bluestacks 4 from its official website or trusted sources to avoid any fake or malicious files.

Is Bluestacks 4 free to use?

Yes, Bluestacks 4 is free to use for personal and non-commercial purposes. However, it does show some ads and offers some premium features that require a subscription fee. You can choose to disable the ads or upgrade to the premium version if you want.

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How much RAM does Bluestacks 4 require?

The minimum RAM requirement for Bluestacks 4 is 2 GB, but it is recommended to have at least 4 GB for better performance. You can also allocate more RAM to Bluestacks 4 in the settings if you have more RAM available on your PC.

How to update Bluestacks 4 to the latest version?

To update Bluestacks 4 to the latest version, you can follow these steps:

  • Open Bluestacks 4 and click on the gear icon on the side toolbar for Settings. Then click on "About" on the Settings window.

  • Click on "Check for updates" at the bottom of the window. If there is a new version available, you will see a pop-up message asking you to update.

  • Click on "Update now" to start the update process. It may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed and PC's specifications.

  • Once the update is complete, Bluestacks 4 will restart automatically. You can now enjoy the latest version of Bluestacks 4 with new features and improvements.

How to uninstall Bluestacks 4 from your PC?

To uninstall Bluestacks 4 from your PC, you can follow these steps:

  • Close Bluestacks 4 if it is running on your PC.

  • Go to the Control Panel on your PC and click on "Uninstall a program" under Programs.

  • Find and select "BlueStacks" from the list of programs and click on "Uninstall".

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the uninstallation process.

  • You can also delete any leftover files or folders related to Bluestacks 4 from your PC if you want.



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